National Academic Journals in Wikidata and Wikipedia

russian data journal identifier r wikidata wikipedia sparql

In this post I am using SPARQL for searching the Russian academic journals in Wikidata and Wikipedia services, and trying to assess their standing.


In one of the recent posts I queried to harvest the journal metadata and found out that the exported pdfs contained the references to Wikidata and Wikipedia pages. What surprized me later is that just 60% of titles have Wikidata profiles, and as little as 2% have Wikipedia articles.

Like many people who have never created a page in Wikipedia, I was living peacefully with 2 myths in my mind.

Myth 1: Any academic journal can create a page in Wikipedia and inform the research community about its goals & successes. Well, I’ve changed my mind after reading the criteria listed at WikiProject_Academic_Journals. Especially, those reflecting a notability:

This should explain why a number of Russian journals indexed in Scopus is almost 5 times higher than in Wikipedia.

Myth 2: Wikidata records are composed from the bits of information present on corresponding Wikipedia page. It is not true - as we have already seen for VAK titles, too many scientific journals (and also the organizations, researchers, publications, etc) have Wikidata IDs without having a dedicated page in Wikipedia.

Wikidata is indeed about the items and their relations.

SPARQL data representation, as used by Wikidata Query Service
By <a href=“//” title=“User:HenkvD”>HenkvD</a> - <span class=“int-own-work” lang=“en”>Own work</span>, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

So if Wikipedia page includes the properly quoted Wikidata items (e.g. statements referring to the scientific articles, researchers, academic awards, etc.), the related Wikidata records will inherit those relations from Wikipedia article (I guess so).

SPARQL or how to find anything

For anyone who has never met a SPARQL query (like me few weeks ago) reading the collections of demo SPARQL queries (like below) can be a fascinating experience.

A blend of amusement and cognitive efforts, which me personally made recalling “I like pleasure spiked with pain…”.

For those whose interests are mostly about scholarly communication and academic publishing, there is a fantastic cookbook with ready-to-go recipies. It is named Scholia.

Pick up any of the pre-set scenario (e.g. profile of Carol Greider), give a web page some time to load, and you’ll see how powerful Wikidata is thought to be. Further, under any chart or table you can click a link “Edit on” and try/adapt a SPARQL query. I hope the creators of this service feel our vibes of love every day.

Searching Russian Academic Journals

In most databases to check if the journal is indexed, we would have to search it using a title or ISSNs. This is how it works in Web of Science, Scopus, the Lens, and many others.

With Wikidata a query must include not the trivial names (like “The Lancet”), but the identifiers of Wikidata items and properties. You can find many useful identifiers in the examples provided by Scholia, or in the list of bibliographic properties, or using Wikidata search.

My initial query sounded like this - to find the items that are defined (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) as Scientific or Academic journal (wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498) originated from (P495) a country named (17) Russian Federation (Q159).

But soon I found out that some academic journals that publish in Russian, but have no a property “country” that would connect it to Russia. Thus we have to add another condition - find the items that are defined (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) as Scientific or Academic journal (wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498) whose language of work (P407) is Russian (Q7737).

In SPARQL the combined query looks like this:

SELECT DISTINCT ?journal ?journalLabel WHERE {
  {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
          ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
          ?journal wdt:P407 wd:Q7737.
          MINUS { ?journal wdt:P495 [] }.
  {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
          ?country wdt:P17 wd:Q159.
          ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
          ?journal wdt:P495 ?country.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE], en, ru".}

You can see the results of this SPARQL query at Wikidata Query Service, further named as WDQS.

Show code
knitr::include_graphics(paste0(img_dir, "wiki_query.png"))

The results can be saved from WDQS using the button Download (JSON, CSV). To perform a SPARQL query in R and retrieve the results I use WikidataQueryServiceR package, which I found very convenient. A function named query_wikidata accepts a string with a SPARQL query and return a dataframe.

Show code
res_journals <- WikidataQueryServiceR::query_wikidata(
    'SELECT DISTINCT ?journal ?journalLabel 
      WHERE {
        {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
                ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
                ?journal wdt:P407 wd:Q7737.
                MINUS { ?journal wdt:P495 [] }.
        {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
                ?country wdt:P17 wd:Q159.
                ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
                ?journal wdt:P495 ?country.
        SERVICE wikibase:label {
        bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE], en, ru".
    LIMIT 5')

The </>Code button at WDQS also helps to wrap the SPARQL syntax for the different languages. But for R a suggested library is SPARQL, which I did not try (it seems like it was not updated for quite a long time).

In order to retrieve more fields from Wikidata records the query must be upgraded (I am not sure if the one below is optimal, but it works).

SELECT DISTINCT ?journal ?journal_title ?issnL ?cref_jid 
                ?lang ?article ?url ?url_srcLabel ?indexedLabel ?scopus
    {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
             ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
             ?journal wdt:P407 wd:Q7737.
     MINUS { ?journal wdt:P495 [] }.}
    {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
             ?country wdt:P17 wd:Q159.
             ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
             ?journal wdt:P495 ?country.}
 } AS %result
  INCLUDE %result
          optional {?journal p:P856 ?urlx.
                       ?urlx ps:P856 ?url.
                       ?urlx prov:wasDerivedFrom ?refnode2.
                       ?refnode2 pr:P143 ?url_src.}
            optional {?journal wdt:P1476 ?journal_title.}           
            optional{?article schema:about ?journal ;               
                              schema:inLanguage ?lang ;               
                              schema:isPartOf [ wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" ] .
            optional {?journal wdt:P7363 ?issnL.}
            optional {?journal wdt:P8375 ?cref_jid.}
            optional {?journal wdt:P8875 ?indexed.} 
            optional {?journal wdt:P1156 ?scopus.}
      SERVICE wikibase:label {
          bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE], en, ru".
          ?url_src rdfs:label ?url_srcLabel .
          ?indexed rdfs:label ?indexedLabel.

The code snippet below shortens the enquoted SPARQL query, so most likely you will not be able to see it in the code, but you can copy it from above and make a query at WDQS.

Found Journals

Show code
wiki_journals_raw_file <-  paste0(onedrive,


rus_wiki_journals <- query_wikidata(as.character(
    [1496 chars quoted with '''])
  rus_wiki_journals %>% distinct() %>% write_excel_csv(wiki_journals_raw_file)
  } else {
  rus_wiki_journals <- read_csv(wiki_journals_raw_file, 
                  col_types = cols(.default = col_character(),
                                  web_site = col_integer(),
                                  n_languages = col_integer()

rus_wiki_journals %>% arrange(journal_title) %>% head(20) %>% 
  ## extracting Wikidata URLs into IDs
  mutate(journal = str_extract(journal, "Q\\d+$")) %>%  
  ## shortening the wikipedia Article URLs as they can be too long for tables 
  mutate(article = ifelse(, NA, 
                          paste0(str_sub(article, 1,30),"..."))) %>% 
  datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "none", 
            escape = FALSE, class = "row-border", 
            options = list(columnDefs = list(
              list(width = '70px', targets = c(2)),
              list(width = '200px', targets = c(1,5,8)))

As some fields (ISSN, Wikipedia page, language, etc) contain multiple values, the resulting dataframe has degenerate rows. I used the Wikidata items and ISSN-L as grouping variables to glue up the string values in the other columns, and finally get a table where each row corresponds to unique journal.

Show code
wiki_journals_grouped_file <-  paste0(onedrive,


  rus_wiki_journals_grouped <- rus_wiki_journals %>%  
    mutate(wiki = str_extract(journal, "Q\\d+$")) %>%
    select(wiki, journal_title, issnL, cref_jid, scopus, lang, 
           wiki_article = article, web_site = url, indexed_in = indexedLabel) %>% 
    group_by(wiki, issnL) %>% 
      journal_title = paste0(unique(na.omit(journal_title)), collapse = "|"),
      crossref = paste0(unique(na.omit(cref_jid)), collapse = "|"),
      scopus = paste0(unique(na.omit(scopus)), collapse = "|"),
      web_site = n_distinct(web_site, na.rm = TRUE),
      languages = paste0(unique(na.omit(lang)), collapse = "|"),
      n_languages = n_distinct(lang, na.rm = TRUE),
      indexed_in = paste0(unique(na.omit(indexed_in)), collapse = "|")
    ) %>% ungroup() %>% 
  rus_wiki_journals_grouped %>% write_excel_csv(wiki_journals_grouped_file)
  } else {
  rus_wiki_journals_grouped  <- read_csv(wiki_journals_grouped_file,
                  col_types = cols(.default = col_character(),
                                  web_site = col_integer(),
                                  n_languages = col_integer()))

rus_wiki_journals_grouped %>% arrange(journal_title) %>%  head(20) %>% 
    datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "none", 
              escape = FALSE, class = "row-border", 
            options = list(columnDefs = list(
              list(width = '350px', targets = c(2)))))

Or Lost Journals

Wikidata returned a list of 2828 Russian journals, in which:

Let’s check if being indexed is associated with a higher chances of having a Wikipedia article.

Show code
rus_wiki_journals_grouped %>% 
  mutate(languages = !, indexed_in = ! %>%
  count(indexed_in, languages) %>% 
  mutate(share = percent(n/nrow(rus_wiki_journals_grouped),0.1)) %>%
   datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "none", 
             escape = FALSE, class = "row-border", 
             options = list(autoWidth = FALSE, 
                         columnDefs = list(
                          list(className = 'dt-center', targets = c(0:3)))))

The indexed titles more often have Wikipedia articles, but more than a half of those having the article(s) in Wikipedia are not indexed (according to Wikidata) in any prominent bibliographic databases.

How complete is Wikidata?

One may suggest that if Wikidata import (in some way or other) the data from CrossRef, then why to bother about it, as CrossRef provides fantastic API-services and gets the metadata directly from the publishers.

Let’s first check whether Wikidata contains complete data deposited in CrossRef.

I select as an example a German journal named Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, published since 2001. Its Scholia profile looks quite impressive.

And yet…

For 2019 publications the difference is still substantial:

And I also counted a number of authors with ORCID in 2019 articles:

Any chance for Wikidata-based bibliometrics?

As Wikidata does not contain all publications from CrossRef, it should not be viewed as an alternative to CrossRef or other databases indexing the academic journals cover-to-cover.

Let’s try to extract all publications in the previously found 2828 Russian journals, satisfying next 3 condistions:

For speed we will retrieve just journal IDs, publication IDs, and author IDs.

SELECT ?journal ?work ?author ?country
    {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
             ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
             ?journal wdt:P407 wd:Q7737.
     MINUS { ?journal wdt:P495 [] }.}
    {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
             ?country wdt:P17 wd:Q159.
             ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
             ?journal wdt:P495 ?country.}
 } AS %result
  INCLUDE %result
              ?work wdt:P1433 ?journal.
              ?work wdt:P577 ?pubdate.
              ?work wdt:P50 ?author.
              ?author wdt:P27 wd:Q159.              
  FILTER((?pubdate >= "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) && 
          (?pubdate <= "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime))

This SPARQL query is very strict, as it filters the items at every condition. Clearly some journals may have the articles that are present in Wikidata, but have no “publication date” property or its authors have no Wikidata ID. Such articles will not be retrieved by this query.

Show code
wiki_journals_2016_2020_file <-  paste0(onedrive,


wiki_journals_2016_2020 <- query_wikidata(as.character(
  'SELECT ?journal ?work ?author ?country
    {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
             ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
             ?journal wdt:P407 wd:Q7737.
     MINUS { ?journal wdt:P495 [] }.}
    {VALUES ?type {wd:Q5633421 wd:Q737498}
             ?country wdt:P17 wd:Q159.
             ?journal wdt:P31/wdt:P279* ?type.
             ?journal wdt:P495 ?country.}
 } AS %result
  INCLUDE %result
              ?work wdt:P1433 ?journal.
              ?work wdt:P577 ?pubdate.
              ?work wdt:P50 ?author.
              ?author wdt:P27 wd:Q159.              
  FILTER((?pubdate >= "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) && 
        (?pubdate <= "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime))
  wiki_journals_2016_2020 %>% distinct() %>% write_excel_csv(wiki_journals_2016_2020_file)
  } else {
  wiki_journals_2016_2020 <- read_csv(wiki_journals_2016_2020_file, 
                  col_types = cols(.default = col_character()))

What have we got?

Tempted to see a pretty picture?

Show code
chart_filename <- paste0(img_dir, "5_year_output.png")

  sizes <- bind_rows(
    wiki_journals_2016_2020 %>% 
      group_by(journal) %>% 
      summarize(n_pubs = n_distinct(work)) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% rename(name = 1),
    wiki_journals_2016_2020 %>% 
      group_by(author) %>% 
      summarize(n_pubs = n_distinct(work)) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% rename(name = 1)
  g <- wiki_journals_2016_2020 %>% 
    select(from = author, to = journal) %>% 
    graph_from_data_frame(directed = FALSE) %>% 
    as_tbl_graph() %>% 
    left_join(sizes) %>% 
    mutate(type = ifelse(name %in% wiki_journals_2016_2020$journal, 
                         "journal", "author"))
ggraph(g, layout = "nicely") + 
  geom_edge_link0(color = "grey60", edge_width = 0.3)+
  geom_node_point(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = type, size = n_pubs),
                  shape = 21, stroke = 0.3, color = "grey20")+
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("journal" = "#53565A", "author" = "coral"), 
                    name = NULL)+
  labs(title = 
  "5-Year Output of 2828 Russian Academic Journals Through the Lens of Wikidata",
      subtitle = paste0("(",n_distinct(wiki_journals_2016_2020$work),
                          " publications and ", 
                          " Russian authors visible in ",
                          " journals)"),
        caption = paste0("Date: ", format(Sys.time(), '%d/%m/%Y'),
  scale_size_continuous(range = c(1.5,6), breaks = pretty_breaks(6),
                        name = "Number of\npublications")+
  guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5)))+
  theme_graph() +
  theme(text=element_text(family="PT Sans", color = "#53565A", size = 12),
        legend.title = element_text(size=rel(1), color="grey10"),
        legend.text = element_text(size=rel(0.9), color="grey10"),
        legend.position = "right", = element_rect(size = 0.2, 
                color = "grey90", fill = "white"), = margin(10,0,10,0), = unit(0,"cm"),
        plot.caption.position = "plot",
        plot.caption = element_text(size = rel(0.9), hjust=1, 
                          family = "PT Sans", color = "#969696", face = "plain"),
        plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust=0, size = rel(1), 
                          family="PT Sans Narrow"),
        plot.title.position = "plot",
        plot.title = element_text(size=rel(1.2), family="PT Sans", 
                                  face="bold", color = "#253494"),
        plot.margin = margin(5, 5, 5, 5)) + 
  ggsave(chart_filename, width = 18, height = 12, dpi = 400, units = "cm")

Cases for using Wikidata

There are still some cases that can be much easier solved with Wikidata. As a knowledge graph connecting the entities of different nature, Wikidata allows to build complex queries combining the items properties or statements that may not exist together in any other single database.

Just imagine a query that retrieves the journal authors having the international awards (see examples in Scholia).

Well, one may argue that the qualified editor remember by heart all the star authors. Hope so.

Let’s take a more complex scenario. Assume that the publisher decided to dedicate a special issue to women in Molecular biology and the editor now has to find the female researchers who won the international awards and ask them kindly to write a short article. The editor may think that those who cited the journal articles would be more impressed and likely to agree.

Can Wikidata help to this? Yes, it can!

A SPARQL query below will retrieve a list of women, researchers, who won the international awards and cited the Russian journal Molecular Biology.

  ?authorLabel ?orcid ?awards
  SELECT ?authorLabel ?author (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?award); separator=" | ") AS ?awards)
  ?work wdt:P1433 wd:Q4300349.
  ?reference_pub wdt:P2860 ?work.
  ?reference_pub wdt:P50 ?author .
  ?author p:P166 ?award_statement.
  ?award_statement ps:P166 ?award_.
  ?author wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 .
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . 
      ?award_ rdfs:label ?award.
      ?author rdfs:label ?authorLabel
GROUP BY ?author ?authorLabel 
} AS %result
  INCLUDE %result 
   optional{?author wdt:P496 ?orcid .}
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . }
Show code
winners <- query_wikidata(as.character(
      ?author ?orcid ?awards
    SELECT ?authorLabel ?author 
            (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?award); separator=" | ") AS ?awards)
    WHERE {
      ?work wdt:P1433 wd:Q4300349.
      ?reference_pub wdt:P2860 ?work.
      ?reference_pub wdt:P50 ?author .
      ?author p:P166 ?award_statement.
      ?award_statement ps:P166 ?award_.
      ?author wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 .
      SERVICE wikibase:label {
          bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . 
          ?award_ rdfs:label ?award.
          ?author rdfs:label ?authorLabel
    GROUP BY ?author ?authorLabel 
    } AS %result
  WHERE { INCLUDE %result 
      optional{?author wdt:P496 ?orcid .}
      SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . 

winners %>% mutate(author = str_extract(author, "Q\\d+$")) %>%
  datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "none", 
            escape = FALSE, class = "row-border", 
            options = list(
              columnDefs = list(
                list(width = '130px', targets = c(1)),
                list(width = '800px', targets = c(2)))))

Coincidentally, today I saw a tweet of Scholia creator who also shared a SPARQL query crafted to find a female speaker on a certain topic. This is another possible application, even closer to reality than mine.

looking for a female speaker? Try @wikidata: Tune the subjects in line 3 to fit your needs. Here, I used metabolomics, data analysis, chemometrics, lipidomics

The topics are ‘main subject’ of publications on which the scholar is author

— Egon Willighⓐgen (@egonwillighagen) May 24, 2021

Final Remarks

Here are some useful sources in addition to those mentioned above:


The findings above should be taken with a pinch of salt, as I started to dig into Wikidata just few weeks ago. Some of my statements can be not perfectly correct or even wrong. The main purpose of this post was to share my finding and show what is possible to do with Wikidata.


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Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

Lutai (2021, May 26). ConviviaR Tools: National Academic Journals in Wikidata and Wikipedia. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Lutai, Aleksei},
  title = {ConviviaR Tools: National Academic Journals in Wikidata and Wikipedia},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}